A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Updated to Beta 2 on 16th of November 2024!

Realms of the Lost is a 3D turn-based dungeon crawler / roguelike hybrid set in 17th century cosmic horror lovecraftian setting.

The release is a beta which means the game can be finished but is not complete featurewise.

Key features

  • Turn-based
  • Grid-based
  • Procedural dungeon with hand-made special locations
  • 10 playable classes (Soldier, Mercenary, Duelist, Poet, Musketeer, Alchemist, Heretic, Monk, Pugilist, Kineticist)
  • Sword & Sorcery & Firearms
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(15 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Made withUnity
Tags3D, Dungeon Crawler, First-Person, Horror, Lovecraftian Horror, Retro, Roguelike, Turn-based, Unity
Average sessionA few hours
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


RotL_Beta2.zip 40 MB
RotL_Beta2_Linux.zip 45 MB

Development log

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Love the game
Hate the Curse mechanic

A whole run without a single scroll of to take curse from an item, and the vendors didn't sell any. That was frustrating as fuck

Thanks for the feedback!

I'll consider making the scroll selection not randomized like the potion selection is.


Just finished my first run through, absolutely love what you've done with this project. I couldn't stop playing, and found there is quite a bit of content for a project like this. Can't wait to see where this goes.

Thank you very much! 

I have sound effects already in place and a new unarmed character class coming in the next version. And a lot of minor fixes and changes. But I want to add some other major stuff as well before I'll release it.

(1 edit) (+1)

you had me at 17th century!

btw is can you delete saves?

(1 edit)

Absolutely, I realized I should probably mention it somewhere in the game but the saves go to [windowsUser]\AppData\LocalLow\Aukustus\Realms of the Lost

Just delete both the .save and .metadata for a specific save.

I will add a Delete button for the Load Game menu later.

Deleted 102 days ago

I've been through Pixel Dyngeon's dungeons so many times, I love it so much! I'm obsessed with dungeon crawlers, especially first person!You just started creating the perfect game for me! I can't wait to see where it goes, I support you, and I will follow all of this with passion!!

Thank you very much! Plenty of stuff to come :).


Feels pretty good to play, the slight delay between steps is, while probably a good thing, feels bothersome -but idk why.  Aside from the lack of audio, which I suppose is planned at some point, I can't find much else to be critical of.

Really promising work so far, keep at it!

Thanks for the feedback! 

I think I guess what you mean with the slight delay, you can try disabling movement easing from the options and see if that makes it better for you.

I'm working on sound effects currently, there's roughly 45 sound effects in place already. Music I hope to have at some point later since I can compose songs already (rock and metal though) but I don't have any experience in composing soundtracks yet.


please add a punching class

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for the suggestion! Because my Monk draws inspiration from western monks and priests instead of D&D eastern kung fu monks, unarmed combat is something that I've planned for a while because it's the last missing playstyle. 

I still need to figure out some design issues because most of the damage comes from weapon's upgrade level,  durability status and lastly from an inserted rune. Easiest way would be adding simple fist weapons but that doesn't exactly make me happy. But yeah, I want to add the class as well and probably will.


not my normal type of game but i really enjoyed it! cant wait to play more and see how far i can go and how the other classes play too. 

Also not sure if its a bug or its just because the game is in beta but i had no sound when playing. I tried restarting the game but no luck.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks! I will check out your video. There's no sound effects as I don't want to spend money on them because the game is free. At least for now. I'm getting some requests for them though so I have to think about it.


There are a lot of really great free sound effects packs both on itch and elsewhere! A lot of them just require attribution, but it's something to consider for sure as a money saving option

Yeah, I found some really good stuff on https://sonniss.com/gameaudiogdc that are both royalty free and commercial quality. I can reveal now that I'm already working on the game having sounds. It's pretty amazing how different it feels when there are footstep sounds when moving :).


is it normal that there is no audio at all?

(1 edit)

Hi! Yeah, there's no sounds. That's something I hope to have at least at some point. I'm doing a non-commercial game so I don't really want to invest money in sound effects.


Good stuff you've got here, hope to see more of it if you continue this. Particularly well polished too. 

Weird question though, what's the origin of the yellow worm  sprite pictured in the first screenshot? A friend and I have seen it before but can't place it and reverse image search is fruitless. Been going crazy trying to find it, any help would be appreciated lol

Thanks for the feedback!

That's not a weird question, I use the 32x32 Angband tileset by David Gervais for most of the stuff: http://pousse.rapiere.free.fr/tome/tiles/AngbandTk/tome-angbandtkmonsterstiles.htm


This game is really great! But I tried to buy a potion and the game crashed with this:

Seed: 65059720, Dungeon level 11

KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'Vial of Life' was not present in the dictionary.

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)

ItemDataObject.IdentifyPotion (System.Boolean identify) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)

PlayerObject.PickItem (ItemDataObject item, System.Boolean displayMessage) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)

PlayerObject.BuyItem (System.Guid id) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)

Buttons.UseItem () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)

UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)

UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)

UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ReleaseMouse (UnityEngine.EventSystems

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for reporting this! I was able to replicate this with the Alchemist class. It appears that the Alchemist cannot buy potions for the time being as it will try to auto-identify it with the class bonus :(.


Good to know! I thought it might be alchemist related

(1 edit) (+1)

Very promising game and already quite entertaining, albeit a bit on the slow side. I've always thought that first-person perspective is ideal for turn-based RPGs, and this really shows potential. Good job and hopefully you'll keep working on it! BTW, is there any particular reason why you upgraded the Unity version?


Thank you! I'm already working on the next version :). How would you make it less slow, is it the general gameplay or movement speed or completely something else?

The reason I keep upgrading Unity is just for fun, and also sometimes there are updates to for example the lighting system like Forward+ rendering support for URP. I already encountered the eight lights hard limit per scene with Built-in renderer, so I had to change to URP Deferred, and I think I'll try the Forward+ at some point.


I meant the overall pace of the game is a tad slowish. For instance, when backtracking through long empty corridors that end with a single item or enemy in a big room. However this may become a non-issue as you keep adding new features. On the other hand, emptiness definitely has its place in a Lovecraftian adventure, there's just a balance to be met.

Some more QoL would be welcome too, for example reading a note could send you directly to the Journal, or unequipping an item without room in your inventory could simply drop it. Also, you should be able to hold down the virtual Arrows to move continuously. Only some suggestions but really, gameplay is already pretty solid considering it's still in alpha stage!

Some bugs that somehow I can't trigger again: The view got slightly misaligned with the grid after attempting to move diagonally. It corrected itself in the next zone. Also, Sanity was drained in Emma's room, as if it was a dark place. That was just after I loaded the game in said room. And it seems the Sanity topic in the Help section doesn't take into account the last update...

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for these findings and suggestions! These are really valuable. I'm doing my best to improve the game :). 

And yeah, I get that long corridor thing, that's purely a level generation issue I need to somehow figure out.

Edit: I was able to fix all three problems mentioned in the last paragraph :).

What do you do in this situation?

Haven't seen this one before, you probably should start a new game. 

My only guess is that the game crashed while generating the map. There are no enemies and doors visible so I think it crashed when creating items which are spawned before monsters and doors. What that violet thing is I have absolutely no idea but I guess it's some by-product.

Thanks for reporting this!


Game fixed, thank you.


Oh hey, Aukustus, there's also items that have "of Dementia" at the end giving -1 Mind penalty, I just thought it would be funny if it just said "Mind Penalty: I forgot"

Man this thing is so dead💀
(The screen after I start the game) 

Never seen that one. No idea yet what’s broken.

(1 edit)

Something happen with my options and it's just like this

(3 edits)

All right, I think it is the settings file that is broken and when starting a new game it cannot read it.

You could check the {username}/AppData/locallow/aukustus/Realms of the lost/ (if I recall correctly the path, should be similar) and delete the config.txt file. It should generate it again then when running the game again and can be verified by opening the settings menu again.

If that doesn't work, you could create manually a config.txt file in that location with this content:


  "Resolution": "1280x720",

  "FullScreen": false,

  "PostProcessing": true,

  "Easing": true,

  "FoV": 90.0,

  "WeaponSway": true,

  "VersionMajor": "Alpha",

  "VersionMinor": 6,

  "LightFlicker": true


(2 edits) (+1)

I just checked the files, config.txt was literally blank lol

inserted the words and it fixed, thank you very much!


I ran into a glitch/problem that was probably not coded for.  If you use a teleport scroll when poisoned at 1 hp you go to 0 and it locks the game up.  Cool game though!

Thanks! I fear this glitch can happen in other ways as well. I’ll look into it.


Indeed, using an item in general when you're gonna die the next turn from an effect was bugged. A good find :).

(1 edit) (-6)

Hello. Can you fix the description please? Is totally wrong. I suggest reading a game design book, to avoid this beginner mistake (or avoid the deceptive description) and understand what a "gameplay" means.

"Realms of the Lost is a first person dungeon crawler set in 17th century cosmic horror setting."

Your game is a Dungeon Crawler (take a look at the link), not a game like Rogue. If you don't know what a game like-Rogue is, look to some games, Zorbus, ADOM, Caves of Qud to name a few.

This will help players looking for the game they want and like, not something else completely different. In other words, the correct user base. 

Good luck!

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi! Thanks for your comment. I’m fully aware about real roguelikes and dungeon crawlers. Played Nethack and ADOM twenty years ago first time etc.

What I had in my mind was a roguelike in dungeon crawler style and I do have most of the infamous Berlin interpretation checked with my game. I try to fit in the niche of people wanting roguelikes in a dungeon crawler engine and also those who like Dungeon Hack for example.

So my design background lies in true roguelikes (not roguelites) and not in ones like Ultima Underworld or Daggerfall but there are obvious influences and I hope fans of both types can enjoy the game. Therefore I think roguelike fits better but I do understand your point. Also, there’s NotEye for playing 2D roguelikes in first person so I’d argue my approach is similar.

Edit: I did a little update on the description clarifying what’s it about fully.

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

Hi Aukustus. Cool! It sounds you know what you are saying. Apology if I sounded rude a while ago, was not my intention, probably in part of frustration when my feed fill with not roguelike games.

I don't want to talk about "The loose Berlin interpretation" it should be deleted, it causes more confusion, and makes the genre worse. I know about NotEye, and still incorrect your assumption I'm afraid, if the game use first-person perspective it loses the strategic view that use Rogue-like games, that is the reason you can see more enemies at the same time, analyze your move and be tactical. But I guess you already know that.

Let me give an example, I hope that it can be understood. There are games that are "First-person shooter" and has top-down view, I'm fan of this kind of games since many years ago. Two of them are "Natural Selection 2" or "Nuclear Dawn", despite the game is a "First-person perspective", despite the game use a "Top-down view" those games are strategic games, and the gameplay is not just "shoot, shoot" as the typical FPS, if you don't play with strategic you lose. The "key" word here is, the "gameplay" and your game (Realms of the Lost) will play differently. Thank you for the update in the description.

So my design background lies in true roguelikes (not roguelites) and not in ones like Ultima Underworld or Daggerfall but there are obvious influences and I hope fans of both types can enjoy the game.

If that the case, you have one more fan. I like both genre.

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

No problem, I understand your frustration and the term roguelike seems to be applied everywhere when there’s just for example random terrain but it’s like a city builder in reality.

This game is in a bit different perspective to me since I started the development in 2D top down first but changed the camera orientation very early, mechanically it’s still the very same. The tacticality of seeing more enemies in 2D is implemented intentionally here by that turning the character won’t cost a turn so you can freely look around and decide your next action.

I had no intention of deceiving since mechanically it’s 2D roguelike but in different perspective. Gameplay wise it feels like classic dungeon crawlers definitely though.


grid based movement, turn based combat, strategic play, procedurally generated levels, exploration based discovery, run based playthroughs, single character, new character per run.

Roguelike is more apt than any other description. 

a dungeon crawler, gridder, blobber, and so on usually have static maps with puzzles, party management, real time movement of enemies, real time combat, and don't normally fit the roguelike description.  calling this a dungeon crawler because of the camera orientation is a disservice to roguelikes and dungeon crawlers.  This is definitely a roguelike first and dungeon crawler distant second.

Keep up the awesome sauce, this is a real gem!


This is exactly my point.

Thanks, I’m already working on Alpha 7! :)


This looks super cool and i would love to play it, it really reminds me of some of my favourite games. Do you have any plans to release it for Mac OS?


Thanks! I doubt there'll be macOS or iOS versions since I don't own a Mac with which to compile the game.


Fair enough. Either way, keep up the good work!


I didn't see Android mentioned. Are we in luck?

(1 edit)

Perhaps! I've played it on my Android phone and it works fine. One of the reasons the UI is like that is I wanted it to work on Android from the very beginning.


It's like you took all the best bits of those 90s dungeon games but minus the maddening parts. Definitely curious to see where this goes. Runs fine on my Win10 64 pc. Good day---


Thank you!


Looks great. Are there any plans for a GNU/Linux release? Since it is written in Unity...


Thank you! I'll try to make a Linux build for the next alpha release. Haven't tried that yet with Unity.

Your game looks amazing! I would for sure play it if I could. Looking forward to that Linux release :)


Thanks! I just uploaded an experimental Linux release. Hopefully it'll work!



I didn't have time to play it much but it does work on my system :) (Debian 11.3). Love the aesthetic!

I'll play it more later but I've noticed there's no sound, not sure if that's normal?

Yeah, it's normal. Sound is something that's planned at some point.


Where am I? Another world? Or Unity's floor?

That's quite funny, how did you do that?


I play it nomally until I went on a the same stair 3 times and saw a wall seem broken down of an explosion or something. Try to walk through the hole but get stuck by invisible wall, managed to peek through the wall though...

Thank you! I was able to figure out the bug, it wasn't blocked when re-entering the first floor of the game.

That is where you came from, story-wise speaking.


Was waiting for this release for a long time. Looks great, good job! :)



unable to play. Norton keeps removing the files because it considers them malicious


Thanks for reporting, does it mention which files? I've scanned the files with Malwarebytes Premium and it doesn't have any issues.

(1 edit) (+1)

It looks like almost all of them but I'm unsure. I had about 50 notifications from Norton on the files that were blocked before i turned them off because it was preventing me from doing stuff on my computer. Unsure if it was repeating the alerts

All right, I submitted the files to Norton. Hopefully it'll get sorted out.


I'm still excited to play! I hope it works out :)